File size: 9.28 MB
Stacco: exploring the Embodied Perception of Latent Representations in Neural Synthesis
File size: 75.93 KB
A Context-sensitive Approach to XAI in Music Performance
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File size: 211.92 KB
The Magnetic Score: Somatosensory Inscriptions and Relational Design in the Instrument-Score
File size: 354.71 KB
Scramble Live: combining LSTM and Markov Chains for real-time Musical Interaction
File size: 668.56 KB
Scramble: A creative tool for the musician combining LSTM and Markov Chains in Max.
Processing video...
File size: 705.79 KB
Sketching Sonic Trajectories: a IanniX tool for Composing the Electroacoustic Space
Processing video...
File size: 18.70 MB
Tera: Journal of Technology, Ecology and risk Assemblages_W.E.I.R.D. Suite
File size: 2.63 MB
Society for the Diffusion of the Useful Knowledge, University of Toronto Mississauga_ W.E.I.R.D._Uncertainty
File size: 3.40 MB
Society for the Diffusion of the Useful Knowledge, University of Toronto Mississauga_ W.E.I.R.D._Emergency